While many believe that the Russian spy agency, the FSB (formerly known as the KGB) has exclusive penetration efforts into U.S. policy, it is in fact U.S. "Lobbyists" and "Venture Capitalists" who have gone to Russian "business men" (often mobsters) and solicited their involvement. ie: John Doerr and Kleiner Perkins solicited and brought in one huge contingent of Russian political financiers, payola operators and obstructionists Pierre Omidyar and Nick Denton solicited and brought in one huge contingent of Russian political financiers, payola operators and obstructionists The Podesta Brothers solicited and brought in one huge contingent of Russian political financiers, payola operators and obstructionists John Doerr and Kleiner Perkins got Steven Chu, The U.S. Secretary of Energy, to hand vast amounts of taxpayer money to Russian mobsters at Ener1, Severstal and other fake "green energy" projects using the U.S. DEpartment of Energy As a slush fund.